Coastal/Offshore Yachtmaster Theory


RYA coastal and Yachtmaster theory courseFull of first class animated click forward click backward diagrams, questions with instant answers, feedback and step by step working including chart work that is plotted as you click through it.
What is included?The RYA course pack containing the RYA course notes, an RYA practice almanac, two RYA practice charts, The RYA plotter simulator, connection to the online course and questions, free postage to anywhere in Europe and personal help throughout your course from our fully qualified instructors.

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RYA coastal and Yachtmaster theory course

New updated version

Full of first class animated click forward click backward diagrams, questions with instant answers, feedback and step by step working including chart work that is plotted as you click through it.

What is included?

The RYA course pack containing the RYA course notes, an RYA practice almanac, two RYA practice charts, The RYA plotter simulator, connection to the online course and questions, free postage to anywhere in Europe and personal help throughout your course from our fully qualified instructors.

How do I take the assessment?

The assessment can be taken online or at a participating training centre. If your certificate is for commercial use then the assessment can be invigilated by a professional person.

Postage to anywhere in Europe, RYA assessment and certificate all included in the price.

Your course will not expire until you pass you will never need to buy the course again. Your access last 6 months after which there is a £30 option to renew as many times as you like until you pass. You can also put your course on hold if you go through a patch where you are unable to continue.

This course is offered by Island Cruising club and run by

Navathome terms and conditions

To enable access to your online course we need to share some of your personal data with Navathome via This training website and database is held and maintained on a secure server. Navathome is an RYA training centre which specialises in online navigation training and will not use your personal information for any reason other than enabling your course.

Full details of the Navathome personal data statement

Syllabus for the RYA Coastal Yachtmaster theory course

  • Day Skipper revision:- Charts and Publications, variation, deviation, position fixing revision, course to steer revision and leeway Revision
  • Tidal heights revision, tide tables, time zones, tidal graphs (Curves), secondary ports and computation of rates
  • Estimated position, circle of error, navigation web, running fixes, and affect of leeway
  • Course to steer, extended lessons on leeway, estimated position taking into account leeway.
  • Pilotage and pilot planning, transits, leading lines, clearing bearings, circle of error and pilot planning
  • Passage planning, SOLAS V. regulations, requirements for a passage, port regulations and example passage plans
  • Passage making, practice chart work paper, includes: Sample assessment questions, estimated position and course to steer,
  • Buoyage and lights, buoyage revision, dipping distance and light characteristics.
  • Electronic navigation, GPS Basics, using navigation webs, using cross track error, using depth sounders, radar and chart navigation systems.
  • Meteorology, weather Information, reading synoptic charts, global weather systems, low pressure systems, local weather effects, sea breeze, fog and divergence and convergence.
  • Collision regulations, general regulations, lights, shapes, sound signals, underway, making way and collision avoidance.
  • Safety and environment, safety briefs, safety equipment, mayday, rescue, dangerous situations, fog and stability.


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